Why Should You Take the E3 Survey?
What Is It?
Who Is It For?

HDKP is working in partnership with Main Street America on a Pilot initiative to support the further development and growth of equitable entrepreneurial ecosystems in rural Main Street communities across America. This program aims to engage, activate, and empower entrepreneurial talent in rural communities so that everyone sees themselves reflected on their Main Street, like here in Downtown Kennewick.

Participants will identify barriers preventing entrepreneurs from starting or growing local businesses and develop action items to address them. The Equitable Entrepreneurial Ecosystem (E3) building in Rural Main Streets Program is supported by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.


  1. Provide technical assistance to implement entrepreneur-focused economic development policies, programs, and practices in rural communities

  2. Deepen understanding of rural communities’ strategies to increase engagement with unrepresented entrepreneurs

  3. Develop a playbook including lessons learned to be shared across the Main Street America network.

  4. Integrate equitable entrepreneurial ecosystem (E3) work into Main Street America’s Four Point Approach

Survey Open Now! (Open until May 3rd)

Our survey is one part of our small business and entrepreneur engagement and outreach efforts. We want to learn more about the small businesses we serve, what resources they know of, as well as identify barriers that prevent entrepreneurs from starting or growing local businesses and develop action plans to address them.

Your feedback will help inform the growth and expansion of support for local entrepreneurs in Kennewick. We need your insight and perspective as a local entrepreneur.

This survey contains up to 24 questions and should take 10-15 minutes to complete. Your answers in this survey will be kept private, and they won't be linked to your business name in the survey report. 

Your time is very appreciated. Thank you!

Community Site Visit & Program Presentation - April 10, 2024

This 2.5 hour presentation is about our community’s participation in the Equitable Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Rural Main Streets pilot grant program!

Join us for an in-depth exploration into the intricacies of developing an equitable entrepreneurial ecosystem tailored specifically to our Downtown Kennewick commercial district revitalization efforts. During this session, we will delve into the essential components and best practices necessary for cultivating a supportive environment for small businesses and entrepreneurs in our community.